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If you suffer with allergies you'll appreciate just how miserable life can be when they strike.

Avoiding outdoor activities, missing summer functions and barbeques and as for gardening, you dread the though of having to cut the grass or tend the flower beds.

There are other common allergies that some have to contend such as pet hair so no dogs or cats.

Encountering any of the above when you suffer with allergies makes life intolerable with itchy, runny eyes, a streaming nose and even shortness of breath.


Most of us do turn to the traditional methods of allergy control such as nasal sprays and anti-histamine tablets but these too come with certain drawbacks. 

If you forget to take your tablet well, that's a whole day or maybe two of sneezing and coughing and sprays are not much better.

If you have been taking over the counter medication (which was previously prescription) and have not been able to control the symptoms successfully you have most likely searched the internet for an alternative and more effective solution.


So is there a better more reliable way to control these nightmare symptoms of allergies? YES THERE IS depending upon each case.


Although the NHS have stopped the use of Kenalog treatments it is widely used around the globe and considered by clinics as a safe and effective way to relieve the suffering of many of those that are unfortunate enough to suffer profusely.

Allergy treatment is administered by a small injection taking no more that 10 minutes. The positive effects are usually seen by patients in around 2 to 12 days and in most cases will last between 4 to 12 months

On occasion it may be necessary for some allergy sufferers to have an additional treatment and thats it! 


The next step is for you to enjoy life without the sneezing, sniffing and streaming eyes and bin those tablets & sprays for good.


Please note that as with all treatments, clients are required to attend our clinic for an informed consultation prior to any form of treatment to ensure that it is suitable.


"Itchy, runny eyes, a streaming nose and even shortness of breath".

Get Your Appointment 

If you would like to see us for consultation before treatment please click the button below to book your appointment.

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